Friday, March 29, 2013

It Will Be Called Art--Sivan J

We had ideas-
helium in blowup-dolls
like once wounded pigeons
ominously looking down
and judging us
for who we are

at our worst

For who minds if genius
is found in a small town
on a sofa you yourself
find ugly
after a bottle of cheap booze
married with a blacksploitation

Because some thoughts
won't ever come
to fruition
and some boys won't live long enough

to become men

to become boys again

They miss so much
in between
like helium in blowup dolls
So let's act while we still can
All of us
Block out the sun
Make it rain sex
We have that power
I have that power

But Sam won't ever and so Sam
this is for you
Wherever my name's tagged
yours will never be far
SIVAN WAS HERE and Sam too
no parentheses
separated by nothing
but death
and whatever light
shines through a blowup-doll-sky
onto a sofa you yourself find ugly

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